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Haikyo – Route 303 (Part 3 – The Lonely House)

   So this is the third and final part of the 303 trilogy that’s taken me over a year to blog – and which probably never would have been blogged if it hadn’t been for the continued hits and comments I keep getting. So thanks for that!

Anyway, this final part is, as the title says, one lonely house I spotted besides a branch off from 303.


Haikyo – Route 303 (Part 2 – Lost roads and forgotten places)

Changes are like dominoes.

A shift in economics can force a change of lifestyle that drives people to the cities and clears out whole villages. Building a new major road can leave old byways crumbling and forgotten (which was basically the plot of Pixar’s Cars). Evidence of both of these phenomena can be seen along Route 303 with almost abandoned villages in the woods off to the side, and forgotten winding roads that haven’t been used since more direct tunnels were driven through the hills,


Haikyo – Route 303 (Part 1 – Roadside Ruins)

This will be the first of three (long overdue) haikyo updates about places I’ve come across whilst exploring my local stretch  Route 303. Since about February I’ve been making irregular trip along this route, and checking out some of the branches running off it which has turned up quite a lot of haikyo goodness.

The first place that caught my eye and got me out there, was this road side diner – which I have to admit turned out to be a pretty dull shell of a building, but it did at least get me out and exploring the area.


The Yokai Files – Kappa – Mummies and Movies

My original Kappa post is by far the most viewed post on this blog  – so I thought I’d do a follow up for all you Kappa fans and let you know more about everybody’s favorite Japanese water imp. So today I’m going to share a whole host of interesting Kappa images, links and suggested viewing with you all.

I promised a follow up a long time ago when I was about to depart on a quest to try and track down a mummified Kappa in Osaka. So that’s where we’ll pick up today.


Haikyo – Limestone Processing Plant

According to the book this place was in operation until a severe storm caused so much damage that the cost of repairs was too great for the owners, since then it’s just been left standing with minimal supervision; it is also listed, in the book, as one of Japan’s top haikyo spots. Even from a distance it was easy to tell that this was going to be an impressive site. Far bigger than anything we’d previously explored.


Costumes Special – The Doctor Who Experience

  I’m back! And as a special treat for you all (before I get back to blogging Japanese haikyo, yokai and costumes) here’s something decidedly English for you.

I had the good fortune to be able to stop by the Doctor Who Experience in London while I was passing through and snap a few pictures of the classic costumes and creatures on display there.

The ‘experience’ is divided into two parts a mini-adventure guided by the current Doctor (Matt Smith) via a series of special video appearances. Apparently he’s gone and got himself locked in another Pandorica (‘They had a spare.’ he laments), so it’s up to us to save him, by running around lots of corridors and themed rooms such as – an intergalactic museum, TARDIS interior, a dalek mother ship and so on. (more…)

Back Soon

No updates for a couple of weeks as I’m off to the UK for my wedding!
I’ll be back on the 20th and hope to have something new up by the end o the month.

Costumes – Random sightings

With all the haikyo and yokai blog reports some of my other topics tend to get a bit neglected – so here’s a quick fix of costumes pics for you.

This is a small collection of three random costume sightings scored during other trips.

Firstly during a day out at the Meji Muru in Inuyama, I ran into this clawed cutie. A girl in white knee-length boots and a pink crab costume – don’t ask why.

She was actually with a small camera crew so a guess they were about to record a TV segment. The building in the background is a Frank Lloyd Wright original, so maybe it was something to do with that.


Haikyo – Brick Kiln

Over the last couple of months Andrew and I have been slowly checking off all the sites in the book around Shiga Ken. Today we’re checking out #128 (p.185) and, as usual, without the benefit of any translation we have no idea what to expect, all we know is that it’s somewhere not far from the centre of Omi Hachiman.

As we draw close to the area that we figure it has to be in a huge black brick chimney slides into view above the other buildings. Brick isn’t a typical material in Japan (its dead weight isn’t something you want falling on you during an earthquake) and seeing brick usually suggests a historical or foreign (influenced) building – often both. Guessing that this must be what we’re here to see we park up and make our way across a rather industrial looking bridge and weir combo so see exactly what it is we’ve found.


Haikyo – The Rainbow Hotel

Anybody who uses ‘ The Book ‘ might recognise this picture from p.199.

I even cropped my picture to look as close to the book version as possible, consider this my homage.

Though I have no idea why they selected this image to represent what is in fact a rather wonderful six storey hotel, with an elevated sky tower so tall you can see it long before the hotel comes into view.

This isn’t even the best bit of graffiti in the building, which has been adopted as a canvas by the graffiti community and is full much grander pieces of art, but we’ll get to that later.

First, let’s put this place into a bit of context.


Nature – Bats in Shiga

For the second year running, I was lucky enough to be invited to join, and help out with, an annual research project that monitors a local colony of rare tube nosed bats.

Catching, tagging, weighing and recording data is the order of the day. I mostly helped out with putting tagged bats back in safe places where they could get over the trauma of being ‘researched’.

Here’s a selection of photo collages from the day. A full album can be found here.


Yokai Report – Lafcadio Hearn/Koizumi Yakumo

Lafcadio Hearn

Today’s report isn’t about a specific yokai, but rather about one of the principle collectors of yokai folk law for western readers. Patrick Lafcadio Hearn (27 June 1850 – 26 September 1904) born on a Greek island to a Greek mother and an Irish father. Hearn moved to Japan in 1890 on a journalistic assignment and ended up adopting the country and staying on as a teacher and writer based in Matsue on the Western coast.

Although this position lasted only 15 months (to be followed by a succession of other teaching and journalistic jobs) it was maybe the most influential as it was here that he met and married, Koizumi Setsu, from a local samurai family. It was she who would act as an interpreter and guide as Hearn (known in Japan by his naturalised Japanese name, Koizumi Yakumo) began to collect and record traditional Japanese folk tales – many of which had never been written down before.


Haikyo – Half Life Housing

Tom Waits once claimed he’d ‘seen it all through the yellow windows of the evening train‘, so chance are that along with Emirin’s house he might well have seen this place too as it’s just one stop down the line.

This place got me both curious and cautious as although it looked distinctly run down it was in a very visible location, right by the train tracks, and surrounded by other buildings.


Haikyo – Emirin’s House (Original Find?)

Another house with a story today, I first spotted this place from a train and determined to head back and check it out as soon as possible. It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later that I got the chance to go back and explore. Even then it ended up taking two visits to go through, figure out and photograph this place.

The first thing I noticed here was how nice the garden must have been.  Lanterns dotted the undergrowth, and a stone bridge crossing a dry stream bed that run down to a leaf filled pond. It all seemed quite grand for a regular Japanese house.


The Yokai Files – Tengu

The mass of history and mythology surrounding the figure of the Tengu makes it almost impossible to give a brief review of them. Through the ages even the way these creatures are perceived has changed a lot, originally portrayed as bad omens and demonic war bringers they have now become revered as a kind of demigod of the mountains.

As such the modern Tengu blurs the line between folk legend and religion – yokai or deity? It isn’t always so clear-cut.

In both traditions the basic image of the Tengu is essentially the same. They are winged humanoids with bright red skin and long noses, which has earned them the name ‘Hanadaka Tengu’ (Long Nosed Tengu).


Haikyo – Lost Love Hotels (Original Finds)

More love hotels for you today.

‘Hotel Penthouse’ which we spotted in a frozen field in the middle of winter, and a nameless place that’s both overrun and easily overlooked – despite being right next to a main road.

Although the find dates were a month apart, neither site was that huge so I’m going to bundle them together in a thematic double bill. Enjoy.


Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Straight off I want to say that I was personally well away from the area(s) affected by the quakes and tsunami.

It is impossible however to continue to write a blog about my life in Japan without acknowledging the terrible events of the past few days. I don’t want to try and write an account of the events, which by now have been exhaustively covered on the news. What I would like to do though is to give a slightly different perspective, some things that you won’t have seen on the disaster focused news – life going on. (more…)

Haikyo – Pachinko Parlour

Another site that might well be new to the net today, despite being in a very visible roadside location. Pachinko parlours are a very common sight in Japan, both working and abandoned. Where I live there are actually an open parlour and an empty old one next door to each other. Despite being gambling establishments in essence (which are illegal in Japan) Pachinko is seen as ‘semi-gambling’ and are tolerated. (more…)

Password Protected

I felt a bit uncomfortable having that my last blog entry open publicly. It seemed to generate quite a bit of interest and I felt it was unfair to show what were some quite personal things so openly when there’s a good chance this person might have living relatives in the area; which also made me nervous that someone local might recognise the place.

So now it’s password protected – but if you know me the password is simply my first and last name written as one word with no spaces.

I’ve added a few new collages to the bottom of the article now it’s protected as well.

Protected: Haikyo – The photographer’s House (Original Find)

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Haikyo – Animal Pens

A really brief haikyo update today.

Just three collages from photos taken at some old animal pens I found while out cycling.

There’s not much to be seen there now, exactly what kind of animals were kept here, or if there used to be some bigger structure here, isn’t really clear.

Later on in the same day I found a far more impressive place, a house, which will the subject of my next (much bigger) haikyo report.


The Yokai Files – Raigo/Tesso: The Iron Rat

Tesso (The iron rat) is truly a one of a kind yokai. A rat demon the size of a full-grown man, armed with metal teeth and claws, capable of shredding and tearing almost anything. Combine this with a pied-piper like ability to call a legion of real rats to do his destructive bidding, and Tesso becomes quite a formidable foe to be reckoned with

Today’s yokai shares something in common with Hashi Hime in that also Tesso began life as a human, a buddhist monk named Raigo, but was later transformed into a vengeful yokai. Again it was sheer force of will, and a driving anger, that provde the catalyst for the transformation.

I already knew the basic story of how Raigo came to turn into his rodent form, however as Raigo’s temple (Mii-Dera) is  not far from where I live, I decided to make the trip there and see if I could dig up anything connected with the myth.


Haikyo – Biwako Tower Revisited

Biwako Tower was one of the first haikyo I visited in Japan and I probably wouldn’t have returned if Florian hadn’t wanted to go and take some photos after we left the nearby love hotel haikyo.

Yet I’m glad I did as this extended return visit turned up quite a lot more information about the history of the place as well revealing several things I missed on my first (brief) visit.

I also got a perfect answer to the question I was left with after my last visit – Why did they call a huge ferris wheel ‘Biwako Tower’ ? (more…)

Thank You :-)

I just sat down to write a new haikyo article and was pleased to discover that yesterday was my first day with more than 100 visits – 107 to be precise! Considering the short time I’ve been writing this blog I’m very happy about that.

Thank you all for stopping by and a big thank you to the small (but growing) pool of regular visitors.

On another positive note – I wrote to Skydrive and got my deleted galleries reinstated (minus a few photos of Japanese adult magazines) so the gallery links should be working again 🙂

There’s a lot more haikyo and Yokai to come this year, so stay tuned.

Now I’ll go and finish today’s main article 🙂